“Do not call conspiracy everything this people calls a conspiracy; do not fear what they fear, and do not dread it.” (Isaiah 8:12 NIV)

I wonder how easy it is to simply buy into what is heard from people in the church–simply because it is said in the church. In this passage God warns Isaiah with two points of caution:

1. Judge words carefully
The church, unfortunately, can be a hotbed of gossip, finger pointing at other churches and “spiritual offenses” such as our church is more spiritual and mature because…. and you fill in the blank.

God uses the word conspiracy. But couldn’t we use other words?
– Don’t call conspiracy what people in the church call conspiracy.
– Don’t call spiritual what some call spiritual.
– Don’t call anointed what some call anointed.
– Don’t call success what some call success.

I am not devaluing anyone or any church, or even any expression, my take away from this verse is simple don’t be too quick to join in the chorus or be led down the humanly sanctified path if it is not truly of the Holy Spirit. Is what is being said truly success in God’s eyes? Is our emotion for the notice of others or is it a genuine response to the grace of God?

2. Judge emotions carefully
Our trust is in The Lord. Our power is in fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Like misspoken words, the church can easily buy into misplaced emotion. This emotion can be sanctioned as spiritual or even sneak in as the subtle doubts and fears of the enemy. We must strike a balance between emotion for emotion’s sake and the extreme of ivory towered stoicism.

Simply be a wise and discerning people. Take everything to prayer, align it with God’s Word. And above all regard God as holy and nurture a health fear of God. Then we will not be swayed by either word or emotion.